AFFORDABLE SUBSCRIPTION PROFILES Step 1:Complete The Following Forms (Athletes Under 18 Must Get Parent’s Approval) Pre-Article Generation Form Media Consent Form Step 2:Fill Out The Subscription Profile Form Step 3:Pay For Subscription (You will be redirected to another page to pay) Step 4:Contact Us To Schedule a 15-minute interview and learn how we can best serve you! Thank you for connecting with us. We will respond to you shortly. 11 Paid Subscription Form*Athlete Name*Athlete’s Phone NumberIf In Middle School Type “NONE”*EmailIf In Middle School Type “NONE”*Parent Name*Phone Number*Parent Email*Head Coach Contact*Phone Number*Head Coach EmailHUDL*Date of Birth*Age*Height*Weight*Position(s)40yd100ydShuttleBenchDeadliftSquatVerticalWing Span*Hand Dominant*Shoe Size*Neck Size*High School Name & Mascot | College*High School Location*ClassTwitter | Instragram*GPAACT | SAT*Yrs. of VarsityOther SportsPlanned College MajorOffersWhat Camps You Have Attended?*How Did You Hear About Us?*What aspect of our website caught your attention the most?*Do you follow us on Instagram (@ura_footballshow)? Why It is important: We share information across all of our platforms. YesNoDon’t Have*Do you follow us on Facebook (@urafootballshow)? Why It is important: Most parents and grandparents frequent Facebook and they support and share along with their friends. YesNoDon’t Have*Do you follow us on Twitter now X (@urafootballshow)? Why It is important: coaches communicate with athletes and offer based on what they see and can research from Twitter. YesNoDon’t Have*Do you subscribe to us on YouTube (underrecruitedfootballshow)? YouTube is the easiest place to view and share your content, so if you are interviewed we share the reel and full version of YouTube. Other platforms do not support long version content. YesNoDon’t Have*Are you interested in learning more about how we can help you with your personal branding? If you are unsure take the time to visit our social media sites and read through our website to see how we have helped thousands of athletes and everything is customizable to fit your budget and need. YesNo*If Yes, what time frame are you interested in? If you are a Senior or Junior and you are just now starting your brand on social media you are behind and need to get started ASAP. NowWithin The WeekWithin The Month Not InterestedSubmit US Army All-American Middle School Bowl